132_Differences in the way books are written in English and Japanese literature_日英文学、本の書き方の違い






This year I am reading more books than I have ever read in the past few years. In addition, I have started reading different genres of books that I have never tried before. I used to read mostly Japanese novels and practical guides (how-to books), but this year I am trying to read some English literature classics. While I was reading these classics, I started to notice differences between English literature and Japanese literature. This is a rather difficult topic, sounding almost like a thesis, but today I just want to share my own simple thoughts on this subject.

First, I would like to talk about the characteristics of Japanese literature. Novels in particular reflect Japanese culture accurately, and it is expected of readers to"read between the lines." Reading between the lines" is a figurative expression that means to imagine that which is not written. I think the emotions of Japanese characters especially are often not depicted. Perhaps because of this, Japanese language exams often question students on the feelings of the characters.

In contrast, I think that a characteristic of English literature is that it describes the feelings of the characters in detail. For example, I think it is common that many pages are used just to describe the feelings of the main character. This may be a characteristic of the culture in English-speaking countries, where it is better to convey things clearly. In the case of English literature, it may be impossible to have the same exam questions as in Japanese language exams lol

It is not a question of which is better, but as I am used to reading Japanese literature, when I read English literature I sometimes think, "It is not necessary to describe everything in such detail.” On the other hand, for those who are used to reading English literature, Japanese literature may not explain enough, and it may be a struggle to understand it.

If you try reading books with this perspective, your next read may become a slightly different reading experience.


133_The world of Tenugui towel_手ぬぐいの世界


131_Truth is stranger than fiction_事実は小説よりも奇なり