115_Good habits and bad habits_良い習慣、やめたい習慣





In my online lessons, my students and I talk about various topics. One of the topics we have been talking a lot about lately is people's habits. A habit means our daily routine or repeated behavior. Today, I am going to talk about my habits.

Let's start with one of my good habits. Exercise. I have started jogging, stretching, and even climbing mountains. This is not something that came naturally to me, but a habit I have acquired by making some effort. If you have been listening to my podcasts for a while, you would know that I have never been a sporty person. However, I managed to get into the habit of doing exercise after creating a more conducive environment towards it. Now, just like brushing my teeth, I feel somewhat uncomfortable if I don't do it.

The next habit is one I’m trying to break, and it is my tendency to act selfishly in intimate relationships. Even though I know it is not very good, I still do it all the time. As the saying goes, "Even between close friends, there are manners," which implies that a moderate amount of consideration is necessary, isn’t it? By the way, habits include not only behavior but also attitudes. Therefore, attitudes can be changed in the same way as behaviors.

It may take some time for a better attitude to become a habit, but I would like to change mine little by little. What are your good habits, and which habits would you like to quit?


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