125_Remote Work Fatigue_リモート疲れ






You have probably become completely accustomed to working remotely, haven’t you? How is your productivity, and what about your mental and physical health? Are you as healthy as you were before? If you are spending your mornings in the Slack App to greet colleagues, having one on one meetings with your boss every week, reporting your progress late at night, and replying to emails on your days off, you might become tired before you know it.

Some time has passed since businesses all over the world have been transitioning to remote work, and you have possibly heard the term “Remote Work Fatigue” frequently. This refers to working too much since there are no longer any boundaries between work and private life, or feelings of loneliness because of the lack of face-to-face interaction.

This condition seems to be caused by not being able to switch off, not having a healthy remote work environment, and the lack of interaction. If you are experiencing these kinds of problems, please try the following method to combat them:

To e demarcate work and private life clearly, try to separate your work space and living space in your house. It may be difficult if you’re living in a studio, but in that case, I would recommend changing the atmosphere by using lighting and fragrances. Also, don’t forget to communicate with people proactively.

While convenient, remote work can be a burden if you work too hard and struggle with transitions. Let's live our lives with discretion.


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