105_Do men “help” with childcare?_男性は育児を「手伝う」?






There have been several major changes in Japan since April 2022. For example, the legal age of adulthood. From April 2022, the legal age for adulthood was lowered from 20 to 18. Several laws have also been also have been revised to make it easier for women to have children or to work. For example, infertility treatment is now covered by health insurance, and entitlement to childcare leave was expanded. These changes will make it not only easier for women but also for men to take childcare leave. Today I would like to talk about men's participation in childcare in Japan.

First, let's talk about the current situation in Japan. According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, only 12% of men take childcare leave. Incidentally, other countries force men to take childcare leave, or when it is not mandatory nearly 90% of men in these countries still take paternity leave. So why is the rate of men taking paternity leave in Japan so low?

One reason for this is that many men believe that there is no one to take over their responsibilities in the workplace, and that taking time off would inconvenience others. Especially managers of small and medium-sized companies feel that if their employees take childcare leave it would increase their own workload. Also, some men believe that women are better at childcare. In one survey, about 32% of men who did not take paternity leave answered that they thought, since their partners would take responsibility for the children, they do not need to take time off.

But even mothers are new to childcare. Regardless of gender, the starting line should be the same. Rather than one of them "helping" the other, I think it is necessary for both parents to cooperate in raising their children proactively. I hope that the revised system will lead to this desired outcome.

In your country, who is responsible for raising children and how are they doing it?


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