117_The Tale of the Heike_平家物語




Do you like anime? I think many of you started studying Japanese because you are into anime. Last year, in 2021, an interesting anime was released, so today I would like to tell you about the story from which it originated.

Now, what comes into your head when you hear the term "the original work of anime"? Many of you probably imagined light novels or manga. No, you are mistaken. The original story is the Tale of the Heike. It is a military tale told in the Kamakura period (1185-1333) by blind monks called biwa-hōshi, who played an instrument called biwa, in the streets. In Japan, all middle and high school students, without fail, study it at school. The opening line, "The sound of the bell at Gion Shoja echoes the impermanence of all things..." is so famous that almost all Japanese can recite it from memory.

The complete story makes up a total of 12 volumes. I have not read all of them, but I will never forget the passage I read in my Japanese class for classic literature. It is called "The Last of Atsumori.” It is a story of two warriors, a veteran and a young boy, and I was moved by its elegance and emotional description. I believe a translated version of the book has been published, so if you are interested in reading it, why don’t you give it a try? If you think the book is too long, I also recommend the anime.


118_Kawaii Culture_「かわいい」文化


116_How to adapt to a foreign culture_異文化に適応するには